The Winds of Change

So, recently my third born son brought home a homework assignment. It was time to build the Egg Drop container. My first born and third born are 7 years apart. This was not my first Egg Drop Rodeo! I marveled at the idea that all three of my sons had done the same science assignments in 7th grade. Then I thought, lets look this up on the Internet. There were a plethora of ideas for the experiment online as it is a common assignment for middle school students. My third born had ideas of his own (um, didn’t he recognize my experience and expertise on the subject ?). We worked on it together, combining ideas and may I say, he totally won his class Egg Drop!

Through the process I kept thinking, “Really? In 7 years there have been no new scientific concepts for 7th graders?” When the answer to the assignment can be easily googled is it still valid? Is our educational system more concerned with test results than relevant, significant, engaging content? I think the answer to that question is obvious.

There is nothing new under the sun…



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